Pregnancy after loss

I know that not everyone is able to get pregnant after their loss, but for those families who find themselves expecting another baby, the fear and anxiety can be overwhelming.

Our family welcomed our daughter about a year and a half after Brigid died.  My whole pregnancy was filled with such a strong mixture of emotions that I felt torn apart.  And things did not get easier as I got closer to delivery; they got harder.

I’m excited to share that we are expecting another little one.  I am just about nine weeks along right now, and we had the opportunity to see our little one in an ultrasound yesterday.

Baby T9

Now for some other exciting news, there is a new website launching this Saturday that is specifically meant to offer support for the emotional roller coaster that is pregnancy following a loss.  When the “innocence” of pregnancy is over and we know that things don’t always go according to plan, it is hard to enjoy each milestone the way we did before.

We understand.

I will be writing weekly about my own pregnancy, and the emotions that accompany it, as a “Bump Day Blogger” for Pregnancy After Loss Support.

PALS bump day

The website will be launching this Saturday, June 21, with lots of giveaways, but for now, you can check out the facebook page.  In the future, you’ll be able to connect there via buttons on this page as well.

I hope you’ll stop by Saturday and check it out!

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